After Alison Des Forges’ sudden and untimely death on February 12, 2009, memorial gatherings were held around the world to mourn her loss, to express gratitude to her, and to talk about ways to continue her work.

This is a collection of some formal tributes that were given at these memorials, presented in chronological order. The collection begins with tributes that were given at a memorial service in Buffalo ten days after Alison’s death, and ends with a sampling of the tributes that were given at a gathering on the first anniversary of her death.

Many other people have written about Alison. Some of their tributes have appeared, or will appear, in newspapers and magazines, in academic volumes, and in a booklet published by Human Rights Watch. Others are purely personal memories, and are being compiled separately.

Please note that this collection is a work in progress.

Rachel Massey
July 23, 2010